Author Guidelines
Authors are invited to make a submission to this journal. All submissions will be assessed by an editor to determine whether they meet the aims and scope of this journal. Those considered to be a good fit will be sent for peer review before determining whether they will be accepted or rejected.
Before making a submission, authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish any material included with the submission, such as photos, documents and datasets. All authors identified on the submission must consent to be identified as an author. Where appropriate, research should be approved by an appropriate ethics committee in accordance with the legal requirements of the study's country.
An editor may desk reject a submission if it does not meet minimum standards of quality. Before submitting, please ensure that the study design and research argument are structured and articulated properly. The title should be concise and the abstract should be able to stand on its own. This will increase the likelihood of reviewers agreeing to review the paper. When you're satisfied that your submission meets this standard, please follow the checklist below to prepare your submission.
I. Submission and publication of papers in the MANS Scientific Journals
- The MANS Scientific Journals, hereinafter referred to as the Journals, are a scientific periodical published in a regular publication cycle.
- To ensure the Notebooks' scientific level and maintain a proper publishing cycle, the editorial office cooperates with national and foreign scientific institutions, associations, and other institutions.
- Previously unpublished original editorials, monographs, reviews, historical papers, source texts, reports of scientific meetings, book evaluations, scientific communications, memoirs, and anniversary news are accepted for evaluation. The editors will not return submitted material to the authors.
- The publication must be accompanied by a statement that the work is original and has not been submitted to another editor. The statement should include the address of the paper's first author, telephone number, and e-mail.
- Papers shall be published in Polish or English, taking into account the opinion of the language editor.
- A statement accompanying the text should describe each author's contribution to the work and indicate the source of funding for the publication. "Ghostwriting" and "guest authorship" are manifestations of scientific dishonesty, and any cases detected will be exposed and documented, including notification of the relevant bodies (authors' employing institutions, scientific societies, associations of scientific editors, etc.).
- Papers submitted to the editorial board are preliminarily evaluated and qualified for publication by the Scientific Council of the Publishing House, hereinafter referred to as the Council.
- Reviewers shall evaluate publications pre-qualified by the Council in accordance with the reviewing procedure. The reviewer completes a declaration of conflict of interest with the review. The Editorial Board notifies the Authors of the outcome of the evaluation, reserving the right to keep the reviews confidential.
- The publishing process of the Journals is the responsibility of the Director of the Publishing House, who approves the layout of the Journals, defines the editorial requirements for the published materials, cooperates with reviewers, presents all the materials to the Scientific Council of the Publishing House for approval before printing, cooperates with the Council and other institutions to the extent necessary to ensure the scientific level of the Journals and to maintain the publishing cycle.
- The editors reserve the right to refuse an article without giving reasons.
- Submitted material that does not meet the editorial requirements specified by the editors shall be returned to the author (s).
- MANS Publishing House does not pay remuneration for submitted publications qualified for publication in the Notebooks.
- The editors do not charge fees for article submission and publication.
II. Publication requirements - MANS Scientific Journals
1 Article should be prepared as a computer printout and as an electronic version in Polish or English. In order to facilitate the publishing process, please strictly adhere to the following rules:
- the article submitted should bear the exact affiliation of the author (s), - the volume of the article should not exceed 15 A4 pages,
- name of the Author(s) - font 12 pt,
- name of institution/academic unit - font 12 pt,
- Title of article in Polish and English - font 14 pt (bold); subheadings font 12 pt (bold),
- the publication must be accompanied by keywords (3-5) and an abstract of no more than 15 lines written in Polish and English - font 11 pt,
- the main text of the paper in Times New Roman CE - 12 pt,
- line spacing - 1.5,
- if the paper contains tables (preferably made in Word or Excel) or drawings (preferably in CorelDraw, Excel, or Word format), the source files must be attached,
- Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively, with titles and sources,
- Only use the equation editor for MS WORD when writing formulas,
- preferred photo formats: TIFF, JPG (with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi),
- when publishing research papers, the layout of the article should follow the following pattern: introduction (possibly aim of the study), description of materials or methods used, description of own research (discussion of research results), conclusions (summary), and list of references.
- References to the literature within the publication's text are footnotes, which must be numbered consecutively throughout the article. Footnote references are Arabic numerals filed in superscript, e.g. ( ). 2
- The record of a cited bibliographic item should include the initial of the name of the author, title of the work, place and year of publication, and page number to which the footnote refers; in the case of a collective work, title of the work, initial of the name and surname of the editor, place and year of publication; in the case of a work that is part of a larger whole, also its title, initial of the name and surname of the editor. Internet sources and legal acts should also be given as footnotes.
- The list of references appearing in alphabetical order at the end of the publication should include the author(s) surname and the first letter of the first name, the year of publication, the title of the paper (italic font), the publishing house and the place of publication in sequence. Examples:
- Book publications: Janowiec A. 2010. Starch potatoes - role in Podlaskie Voivodeship. MANS Publishing House, Łomża.
- Collected works: Górczewski R. (ed.) 2007. Travesty displacement. PWN Publishing House, Warsaw.
- Journals: Staszewski M., Getek I. 2007. Specifics of feeding high-yielding cows. MANS Publishing House, Łomża, Zeszyty Naukowe MANS nr 37, pp: 7-15.
- Websites: 1.12.2009 r.
- Legal acts: Act of 27 July 2002 amending the Act on Higher Education and the Act on Higher Vocational Schools. Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 150, item 1239.
NOTE: texts not meeting the above requirements will be returned to the author.
III. Review procedure for scientific papers submitted for publication
- The procedure for reviewing articles in MANS Scientific Notebooks is in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and good practice in review procedures in science*.
- Submission of a publication to the Editorial Office of the Publisher is tantamount to the Author/Author(s) consenting to the initiation of the article review procedure. The Author/Author(s) shall send the manuscript with a completed declaration. Submitted materials are subjected to an initial formal assessment by the Scientific Council of the Publishing House, hereafter referred to as the Council, particularly with regard to their compliance with the publishing requirements developed and published, as well as the thematic areas of the ZN. The articles are then reviewed by two independent reviewers who are not members of the Council and have at least a PhD degree. Submitted articles are never sent to reviewers from the institution where the author (s) are employed. Submissions are reviewed anonymously. The authors do not know the names of the reviewers. An editorial number is assigned to the article, identifying it at further stages of the publishing process. In other cases, the reviewer declares no conflict of interest. Each time, the author is informed, based on the reviewer's confidentiality principle, of the outcome of the review procedure, which ends with a categorical conclusion as to whether or not the publication is accepted for publication. In contentious situations, another reviewer is appointed. The list of reviewers cooperating with the publisher is published on the Scientific Journals website.
* Good practice in science review procedures. Team for Ethics in Science. Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Warsaw 2011
IV. Manuscript processing times
The average time for the initial assessment of manuscripts is 45 days
The average time taken to review manuscripts is 90 days
The average time an article is published is 100 days
Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
- This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
- All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
- All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
- Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.
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