agriculturalbiogas, biogas plant, OZE, biomass, energyplants, Podlaskie area, RybolyvillageAbstract
Plant resistance to extreme environmental conditions is a complex of features that depends on the magnitude and exposure duration to high temperatures and drought both in the structural (anatomical and morphological) and functional (physiological and biochemical) terms, as well as on the implementation degree of the genotype individual genetic program. In this regard, the plant resistance study to unfavorable environmental factors, in particular drought, is one of the most important problems of agricultural production and is of great practical and theoretical importance. By the method of hybridization based on the use of samples from the collection of the genus Fagopyrum Mill, a valuable source material was obtained on the drought resistance basis with high yielding and improved technological indicators of grain quality adapted to Podillia conditions. 13 varieties were selected, direct and reciprocal saturating crosses were carried out; a comparison of the new source material with the standard variety Victoria and the original parental forms was carried out; drought tolerance assessment was carried out; on the basis of a comparative assessment, economically important indicators
of buckwheat hybrids grain were established: the growing season, productivity and technological indicators of grain quality. The express-assessment efficiency of buckwheat breeding material on the basis of
drought resistance by germination of seeds in osmotic solutions with a sucrose concentration of 13.9% has been established. The varieties Skorostyhla 86, Smuglianka, Kazanka, Alenushka, and Veselka are donors for the new source material on the basis of drought resistance. The hybrids created on their basis have a clear character of the manifestation of this trait under various assessment methods. It was determined that the higher drought resistance in comparison with the parental forms and the standard variety Victoria have hybrid combinations Kazanka x Smuhlianka (47%), (Kazanka x Smuglianka) x Smuglianka (47.3%) (Skorostyhla 86 x Solianska) x Solianska (64 8 %) (Alyonushka x Veselka) x Veselka (81.7%). These hybrids of buckwheat have a 5-12 days shorter growing season, higher drought resistance (by 35.4-81.7%), higher by 0.2-0.36 t / ha grain yield compared to the standard variety Victoria. The grain of these numbers is characterized by high technological properties; for processing into cereals, its chemical composition and food safety indicators comply with regulatory requirements..
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