thistle, yields, biometric indicatorsAbstract
The purpose of research is to establish the dependence of the yield of milk thistle seeds on the placement of plants per unit area. Sowing was carried out in early spring by continuous row (15 cm) and wide-row (30, 45 and 60 cm) methods with a distance between plants in a row of 15, 20, 25, 30 cm.
The area of the accounting area is 25 m2. Repetition is four times. Agricultural techniques on experiments are common for the area. The research was performed with the Boykivchanka variety. Results. The influence of row spacing and distances between plants in a row on the growth, development and formation of milk thistle plants productivity in the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine has been established. Conclusions. Studies have shown that more influential on the structure of plants was factor A – the width of the rows. The difference between the variants of continuous row and wide-row sowing methods was the most significant, the number of seeds per plant with a row spacing of 15 cm was lower by 104.1–423.3 pieces, and the weight of seeds was 2.0–8.5 grams per plant. The difference in the number of seeds from the plant between the variants with a distance between plants in the row 15-20 and 25-30 cm was 35.3-23.6 pieces in the continuous row method of sowing, and the weight of seeds from the plant – 0.7-0.5 g. In the case of wide-row sowing methods from a distance of 15–10 and 25–30 cm between plants, the difference between the variants in terms of the number of seeds was 282.7–361.5 pieces, and in terms of seed weight 0.7–7.3 grams. The best biometric indicators were characterized by variants of wide-row sowing methods at a distance between plants in the row of 25 and 30 cm.
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