grass mixtures, leguminous and leguminous-cereal grasslands, fertilizers, productivity, nutrition qualityAbstract
The article presents the results of the research on the influence of single-species grass crops, their grass mixtures, the use of mineral fertilizers, bacterial preparation based on tuber bacteria rhizobophyte and plant growth regulator Emistim C on the formation of perennial forage cenoses.
The research was conducted during 2015-2017 in the research field of State
Agrarian and Engineering University in Podillia. The soil of the experimental field is black soil leached deep low-humus heavy loam. From the studied species of perennial grasses and their grass mixtures in the conditions of the southern part of the Western Forest-steppe the maximum yield of dry mass without fertilizers was provided by grass mixture of alfalfa with boneless stalk – 8.14 t/ha, the maximum yield of crude protein provided single species of alfalfa – 1.47 t/ha. The combined use of rhizobophyte and Emistim C on alfalfa-hay grassland provided an increase in dry mass yield from 7.95 t/ha to 8.89 t/ha without mineral fertilizers and up to 9.87 t/ha in the variant with annual application of P60K60. In the study of various nutrition sources of alfalfa-loam grass, the highest yield of dry mass was provided by the annual application of N60P60K60 – 9.64 t/ha. Almost on the same level with the application of complete mineral fertilizer was the yield of dry mass on the variant using Ecograin – 9.47 t/ha.
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